Custom Framing
Oliver Brothers Custom Framing       117 Elliott Street, Beverly, MA 01915  617.536.2323

The Boston Globe

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March 24, 2012 -Cover Story on the front page of The Boston Globe G section

by Marni Kaufman Katz

“10 Secrets to a deep home cleaning this spring”

The Boston Globe, Oliver Brothers Custom Framing

Examine artworks

Greg Bishop, co-owner of Oliver Brothers Art Restoration and Custom Framing, counsels: “Keep artwork in stable environments with consistent temperature and humidity, and low light – light damage is irreversible.’’ Examine oil paintings for cracks, flaking, or waviness by looking closely straight on, and at an oblique angle, lit from the side. Check works on paper straight on, with magnification, for brown or black spots of mold. Use only a soft sable brush to dust oil paintings and gilt frames. Wipe wood and metal frames with dry microfiber cloths. Mira Bishop, who specializes in framing, warns never to use ammonia cleaners on glass or Plexiglass – it will ruin both. And never spray directly on the surface. Instead, spray a microfiber cloth and take care not to allow moisture between the glass and frame.